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Air 2024-11-14 1 point
To NimNim: Try installing it in Windows 95/98 in PCem, along with the patch and registry fix here.
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NimNim 2024-10-11 0 point
My mom and I loved this game when I was a kid, so when I saw it here, I got my hopes up. Unfortunately, I may need to find our old win98 to play it again, as the software does not behave properly on Win11. I followed all instructions for getting it to work (it kept saying Directx wasn't installed) and when I finally made some progress, my PC slowed down and got a spinning wheel of death. I went into task manager to end the task and found Pandora's box and a command window opening and closing rapidly, taking up massive quantities of CPU space. I don't know what happened there, but the only way this game is going to be functional is if it's given the Daggerfall treatment, or if someone at Microsoft decides "Hey, let's try selling this again"
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BDubb 2024-04-12 1 point
KOBDOR's instructions below worked 100% on windows 11, 4-12-2024
Thanks for the walkthrough!
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Jega 2023-12-12 0 point
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Aych 2023-11-22 0 point
Keeps crashing after the intro, can’t get to first puzzle. Any fix?
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Karma61 2023-06-07 0 point
I love love this game... Bought the disk moons ago..... With windows 2005 I think upgrade the game will not load or play...Ive tried for years on computers and systems.....The graphics.. varied game play and not having to depend on friends to advance was a awesome change even green years ago! Hope it helps ease the aggregation.... If you succeed.... Enjoy the game!
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Pans Door a 2023-04-29 -1 point
I followed the guide that AIKO had done and everything worked but the game will not load up. Like I click play because the pc registers that there is infact a CD in it (when there is not). Like why is it still not loading the game?
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wilmer andres herrera bernal 2023-04-16 0 point
lo habia buscado mucho
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dDule 2023-04-04 1 point
ONCE YOU EXTRACT THE FULLRIP.RAR FILE - THE GAME WILL ONLY WORK IF YOU HAVE THE ORIGINAL EXTRACTED FILES ON THE PC. The files that get "installed" in the directory through the installation have NO connection with the game itself! The game only registers the files from which you have ran setup.exe and those will be used for gameplay. So once you install the game, don't delete the extracted folder with the installation, those are used for CD-key scanning and if the original setup folder is deleted, it will ask for a CD. Registry file won't help on this one.
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dDule 2023-04-04 8 points
Simplest way to install:
1. Download the fullrip.rar file
2. Extract it using 7-zip or WinRar (Simple, after installation of the program, right click the .rar file and go "extract here".)
3. Run the "Install.exe" file from the extracted files folder
4. Install the game
5. Download the Patch 1.0
6. Run Patch 1.0 file and it will do everything on it's own in matter of seconds
7. Download the registry fix file
8. Run the registry fix file, as the patch, it will do everything, just confirm every step by clicking "yes"
There you go!
Works awesome even on 04/04/2023 on Windows 11 Pro - Build 22621.1413
PC Specs:
I7-4790K 4.8GHz OC
RX 580 8GB
12GB (2x4/2x2) 1333Mhz
Game installed on System allocated SSD in default install directory (Program files x86)
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Vladan 2023-03-09 2 points
why is there no installation?
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Vladan 2023-03-09 0 point
Can someone find an installation for Pandora for the whole version
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Nicolas Bahamondes 2023-01-01 1 point
A user called "cocus" described the solution for the definitive 1.0a NoCD patch.
Install from the ISO, apply the patch, add this registry key...
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Pandora's Box\1.0]
And NEVER, EVER, run autorun.exe from the ISO again. In case you make that mistake, reapply the registry key.
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kobdor 2022-12-27 10 points
here's how i installed this quickly for ppl who are confused or having trouble:
1. have mounting software installed. i used winCDEmu.
2. download the ISO version of the game.
3. create a folder and extract the zip file into the folder by right clicking the .zip file.
4. right click the .MDF file from the .zip file you extracted. select "open with..." and then choose your mounting software.
5. mount the software and run it, install as normal with the install wizard. don't forget to select 'all puzzles' when you're asked. **MAKE SURE TO SELECT "YES" WHEN ASKED IF YOU WANT TO CREATE A DESKTOP SHORTCUT**.
6. close the installer. right click the pandora's box shortcut on your desktop and select "properties".
7. go to the "compatibility" tab. check the box that says "run this program in compatibility mode for..." and then choose "Windows XP (service pack 3)" from the drop down menu
8. click "OK", run the game and enjoy
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Steve 2022-09-07 0 point
I got the run-time message "unable to create DirectDraw surface. Make sure directx is installed."
I fixed this by right-clicking Pandoras SETUP file and selecting Troubleshoot Compatibility / "try recommended settings" / test /save.
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ShannonM 2022-09-03 1 point
I had gotten as far as install but will not continue with no disc... what do I do now? Please explain in detail step by step
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ShannonM 2022-09-03 0 point
I am running windows 10, I have downloaded the fullversion, demo and patch, but what do I do now? I open the zip and there are tons of files and no clue wth to do?! Help please I have been wanting to play this game for so long, reminds me of my late step father.
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leo 2022-08-14 -1 point
i used to own it ,back in day WXP ,didn't like install .but need keep disc in drive .
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Nextor 2022-06-21 1 point
Great, I was able to install it and play it. I thought I would never be able to play it again.
I needed to mount the image on PowerIso, install it, then set compatibility to Windows XP Service Pack 3.
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Patrick 2022-05-14 1 point
I'm having problems with the save function. When I save my game, it closes out, then when I go back to it later, I've lost all of my progress. It shows me having done only the first two puzzles in New York under Maui. It's getting very frustrating to say the least.
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D 2022-01-22 2 points
Aiko's solution works a treat on windows 11.
Got the English version of the game iso from CNET, mounted it using Virtual Clonedrive.
intro video had no picture, aside from that, runs perfectly.
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Denognizer 2021-11-29 -2 points
it's all in French
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Surf 2021-10-25 1 point
يمكن تشغيل اللعبة على ويندوز 10. لكن المشكلة ان اللعبة بها شيء خاطئ في مرحلة هونولولو و خصوصا في لعبة المزهرية و السمكة لذلك لا تستطيع الاستمرار في اللعب.
يمكنك تشغيل اللعبة بعد تحويل
iso إلى ملف mdf
و يجب تشغيل الباتش حتى تعمل اللعبة
نحتاج الى دايركتس قديم
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Angelbear89 2021-10-14 1 point
So I downloaded the game but can't get it to run. I have windows 10 but I changed the compatibility mode and it still wouldn't run. What am I doing wrong? Please help lol
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Jorb 2021-09-11 1 point
Game seems to work ok on its own, but when I tried using DxWnd to get it to run in a window, suddenly all the colors exploded and the opening cutscene is primarily green. Anyone have any clue what happened, and how to fix it?
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Malu 2021-08-26 1 point
My dream is have this game - Pandora`s Box
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Shaz 2021-07-30 1 point
I had Pandora's Box Puzzle Game on disk. I played it so much and learnt heaps. I love it.
I recommend parents download this and the children will learn of different art, cultures and countries, all whilst honing their logic skills.
Thank you for a beautiful app.
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RichXTuta 2021-07-16 0 point
Guys - if you're not able to get Outer Layer to work - mine worked by setting compat to XP Service Pack 3 - and it seems to be showing as disable full screen optimisations - try both on and off. Worked for me!
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Forester1 2021-07-15 0 point
Hi! I have the same issue with Outer Layer. Apparently no fix or workaround? For those installing from downloaded files, that folder HAS TO REMAIN WHERE IT IS after installation. If you move, rename, or delete it, you will get the request for the CD. Even though it is installed it is using that old folder as the CD. It installs that path as the CD path.
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the better 2021-05-19 0 point
you are not so clever
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Momchil Andonov 2021-05-13 0 point
This is a masterpiece game which definitely deserves a remastered version but sadly no one figured it out except me!
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Gakkun 2021-05-10 0 point
Aiko, thank you for the comment! I had this game on my computer since 2018, but when I wanted to continue playing it today, it would request a CD. I even tried an original CD I still have, but it didn't work. I found this thread and downloaded the ISO, then converted and mounted it and chose the "Reinstall" option in the setup menu. Then I just copied the save file I had previosly (it's .ply, if anyone's wondering like I was) and it worked like magic!
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Slayers113 2021-01-06 1 point
I have the exact same problem as Junebug. The game's working perfectly, but in Honolulu where the outer layer puzzles start showing up, I'm stuck.
The puzzle is missing all pieces from the left, the object itself is black where the pieces are missing, and whenever I click anywhere where the cursor has a Design+ next to it, the game crashes.
I've tried reinstalling, but not working still.
I have not found any forums or pages on the web, which could have a solution, so if anyone manages to solve it please help!
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Atheseus 2020-11-11 2 points
This game is fab I played it years ago and loved it
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SaphirasDragon 2020-09-23 -3 points
I have downloaded the Virtual Clone Drive and the Magic ISO. When I go to install the game it says media authentication failed and exits set up. How do I get it to finish downloading? I played this years ago on XP and it was fantastic. I want to be able to play Pandoras Box again. Thank you.
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Junebug 2020-09-08 2 points
Got it yeaaaaah
the game is working ☺
but the Outer Layer doesnt work, when I open it, the game closes.
Anybody else with this problem?
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Junebug 2020-09-08 0 point
Hey guys,
I just downloaded Pandoras Box and Clone Drive. I installed the game. When I want to start it, the computer is loading but nothing happens. I tried different Windows compability modes. I use Windows 10.
Any ideas?
Please help me ☺
PS: sorry for my bad English :-D
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user No. 12312 2020-09-06 1 point
this was incredibly easy to get this game to work, i got the ISO version and just slapped the mdf into a mdf to iso converter, and the game ran perfectly, except for the cut scenes. when a cut scene starts the audio works just fine, but none of the visuals load, only showing a black box. is there any way i can fix this, or is this a known issue?
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Brig 2020-08-16 1 point
I followed Aiko's advice and installed the ISO file, after using a free MDF to ISO app, and then VirtualClone Drive to run and yet still sometimes when I run the program it said it needed the CD. What I do then is run the ISO file again via a desktop shortcut and choose play and it works fine. Would be nice if I could just use the program shortcut but this works at least ;)
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Mal 2020-07-18 2 points
I had this game years ago and it was brilliant x
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Zoe 2020-05-06 -2 points
Hi, everything i try to download this game onto my asus laptop with windows it never works. How do i do this please i have been trying for ages with no joy.
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Aiko 2020-04-28 41 points
So I was really struggling to make this work, and it finally worked and I feel so happy! So here's how I did it:
Problem: It kept saying a disk needed to be inserted.
I downloaded the English ISO file download (includes .mdf and .mds files).
I used a program called Magic ISO (search online, free download) to convert the .mdf into .iso file.
I used another program Virtual CloneDrive (also free download) to mount the converted ISO file, then it acts as if there is a CD and I run the CD and I can install and play the game!
Look up guides if you can't figure out how to use the above programs to do those steps.
I did this after a lot of experimentation and Googling and fiddling around. I really hope this helps someone as I wish a solution had been posted when I was trying. Enjoy~
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Yo 2020-04-14 -12 points
How do you get Pandora's box to work on a android
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Mr.Blue 2020-04-07 0 point
Tank's a lot.
Keep safe.
Best Regards
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fatemeh 2020-03-26 1 point
i love this game but it isnt work
it s keeping to say you need cd :((((
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fateme 2020-03-12 1 point
my device is windows 10 i download pandora but when i want to install it it says that you should put cd on it
i havent any cd
what should i do
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demi91 2020-03-09 3 points
i have tried to download and install the game yet it keeps coming up saying that it needs the disc to be inserted correctly and then it wont let me do anything else i have downloaded a nocd file but still not working. PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME!!!!!
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MERCUSYS 2020-03-04 0 point
For " WARNING: DirectX Setup failed..." and "Media Authentication Failed, quitting setup" errors, you have to set the compatibility mode for the installer to Windows XP, and later on the game exe itself.
If you're installing on 64bit Windows, for NOCD patch to work you have to edit the registry ini like this:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Pandora's Box\1.0]
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pandorikai 2020-02-16 -1 point
oh, never mind. i tried the iso version and it worked. ah, nostalgic...
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Pandorikai 2020-02-15 1 point
Hi, my problem is that just as it's finishing installing, it automatically uninstalls. What do?
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Gamez 2020-02-01 1 point
I was able to download it by first downloading the Registry Fix and the Patch, and then The full game. I forget if I downloaded ISO or the Full Rip Version. Probably the ISO because everything is in French which can make it hard to know what buttons you're clicking on, but once you get started its pretty easy.
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gavroskylo 2020-01-15 -1 point
load the ISO (https://www.myabandonware.com/game/pandora-s-box-dbx#download) with Alcohol120 or daemon tools. Install. Apply the patch and play
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Pandora 2020-01-01 1 point
The game is working perfectly fine.
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Charlie Tuna 2019-12-02 1 point
I have the original CD from Microsoft but it will not load correctly. I sure would love it if I could get it too load.
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7755ian 2019-11-26 0 point
Doesn't work...didn't really think it would. Avoid
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PC CHILD 2019-11-25 2 points
Oh.... my lord. I literally am crying tears of joy. I've been looking for this game for so long now - it's the first game that I ever played as a child. SUCH good memories. Thank you!!
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prostheticgirl 2019-11-22 0 point
Has anyone been able to successfully run this game?
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Peter 2019-11-04 3 points
@SADPANDA run regedit, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftMicrosoft GamesPandora's Box1.0 and change CDROMDIR to a dot
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lynnhairdo 2019-09-13 0 point
cannot download game i have the directx downloaded but still come error created direct draw surface its has played before..help please love love this game
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Varshu 2019-08-17 1 point
I love pandora's box
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sadpanda 2019-07-14 3 points
This game says it won't work without a CD inserted : c
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Diehl 2019-06-09 -1 point
I cant install the game. When i try it, i receive a message saying " WARNING: DirectX Setup failed..." and after that, i receive this "Media Authentication Failed, quitting setup". Can someone help me?
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RichGlad24@gmail.com 2019-05-15 -1 point
It says i need the Product ID code when i tried to download the game!
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Geodude 2019-04-05 0 point
Hey, Clyde, Gamefix is blocked by my ISP. Would you mind uploading it on Megaupload or any other website? I really miss this game and can't find my damn CD anywhere, must have been lost when I moved years ago.
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Clyde3D 2019-04-03 0 point
It needs a NOCD Crack. Go to gamefix to obtain it. Gamecopyworld and megagames have lousy non-working cracks!
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Love Pandora 2019-03-28 1 point
Still won’t work! Tried everything! REPEATEDLY!!!