Love And Job! Otona No Jijou Space (2025)

1. Love & Job! Otona no Jijou | vndb

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  • An otome game aimed to women aged 30 and older. The protagonist is supported by her three female friends during her job and romance troubles.

2. Voltage Inc. - The Visual Novel Database

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  • Voltage Inc, established in September 1999, is a Japanese developer and publisher of interactive story apps, such as visual novels and otome games, for iOS and Android devices. They also previously developed games with their San Francisco based subsidiary Voltage Entertainment USA. Its CEO is Tsutani Yuuji. [Edited from Wikipedia]

3. Otona no Jijou | Hello! Project Wiki - Fandom

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  • Otona no Jijou (大人の事情; Adult Circumstances) is a digital single released by fictional idol group NEXT YOU portrayed by Juice=Juice. It was originally an insert song in the TV drama Budokan. The single was released on March 2, 2016.[1][2] Otona no Jijou NEXT YOU / Juice=Juice Tsurui Rurika / Miyazaki Yuka Sakamoto Hana / Kanazawa Tomoko Adachi Mayu / Takagi Sayuki Hidaka Aiko / Miyamoto Karin Dogakiuchi Aoi / Uemura Akari Lyrics, Composition, Sound Produce: Tsunku Arrangement, Programming: Hirata

4. Kibou no Chikara: Otona Precure '23 Ep 1 [First Impression]

  • Oct 7, 2023 · A heavy start to the story. It's no secret that there's a lot of hopeless involved with the realities of the adult world and the future that is a subject that ...

  • Holy shit. Managed to rewatch Season 1 and 2 of Yes! Precure 5 within a week. I’m dead. BUT I MADE IT YOU GUYS! Here are my thoughts on the first episode of Kibou no Chikara Otona PrecureR…

5. Otona no Jikan, by YAMADA Komomo | - Shoujo Manga

6. Honami Suzuki Movies and TV Shows - Plex

  • Honami Suzuki is a Japanese actress, known for Kanon (2016), Samurai Gourmet (2017) and Detective Chinatown 3 (2021).

  • Watch more of your favorite Honami Suzuki movies and TV shows on Plex.

7. Kibou no Chikara Otona Precure' 23 Ep 10 – 12 [FINAL]

  • Dec 23, 2023 · The finale resolved nothing because as they showed us, Humans have a memory and attention span of a god damn gold fish.

  • My disappointment is immeasurable…

8. CHC's Profile -

  • Otona Joshi no Anime Time highly relatable stories about women who are disillusioned about the "respectable" way of adult life. Makasete Iruka! A kid show ...

  • Check out CHC's anime and manga lists, stats, favorites and so much more on MyAnimeList, the largest online anime and manga database in the world! Join the online community, create your anime and manga list, read reviews, explore the forums, follow news, and so much more!

9. Top 50 Romance Anime That You Should Watch With Your Loved One

  • Feb 14, 2016 · Based on the light novel series of the same name, Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo explores the fine threads connecting talent, hard work, romance, ...

  • In spirit of today being Valentine’s Day, I thought it would be a fun idea to make a long list of shows that are great to watch for this special occasion. Whether if it would be for you to wa…

10.【Interview】BUCK-TICK's 22nd Album,... - My 暇 Place - Tumblr

  • Sep 20, 2020 · ... LOVE!” in celebration of ... ¹³ The actual phrase was 大人の事情 (otona no jijou), which is an excuse for not explaining something (lol).

  • 18 September 2020 BUCK-TICK will be releasing their 22nd album ABRACADABRA on Monday, September 21; the 33rd anniversary of their career. Eureka, the vibrant rock and roll number which was released...

11. MightyMole's Profile -

  • Check out MightyMole's anime and manga lists, stats, favorites and so much more on MyAnimeList, the largest online anime and manga database in the world!

  • Check out MightyMole's anime and manga lists, stats, favorites and so much more on MyAnimeList, the largest online anime and manga database in the world! Join the online community, create your anime and manga list, read reviews, explore the forums, follow news, and so much more!

12. Hello! Project's Station '24 : YT · TV · Radio · Magazines - JPLOP.COM

  • Mar 13, 2016 · Otona no Jijou performance from the BS Version of the Next You Drama. I wish they filmed a PV I love these outfits :crying: Re: H!P TV ...

  • Moderator: Moh

13. BL i've read (not complete) - listography

  • Jun 3, 2013 · otokokemono desu! otokonoko no koto wa nani mo shiranai; otona keikenchi; otona no manaa ... love-chan no tonari no; all night long; motto ...

  • BL i've read (not complete)

14. March 2019 – ~Keelloo~ -

  • Mar 28, 2019 · The opening song from Hataraku Otona no Ren'ai Jijou. It's a beautiful, jazzy rendition that emphasizes her ability to be both gentle, but ...

  • 2 posts published by tokoriki17 during March 2019

15. Ikigai: The Art behind choosing a job that you love - LinkedIn

  • Missing: Otona Jijou space

  • I was recently asked to answer a question on Quora on how does one choose a career - this is obviously more difficult due to the multitude of options available to one today as against the Engineer/Doctor/Lawyer/Teacher times. It really set me thinking about Ikigai - a Japanese concept.

16. is there slang words in japanese? - HiNative

  • Apr 27, 2017 · 大人の事情(Otona no jijou): Some reasoning very complicated. 神奈川都民(Kanagawa Tomin): People living in Kanagawa, but working in Tokyo ...

  • @ston3rkitty Ummmm. It's difficult. Wikipedia shows, for example: あけおめ(Akeome): A happy new year! あげまん(Ageman): A girl friend who brings lucky イエローキャブ(Ieroo kyabu, yellow cab): Bitches sleeping with Whites and Blacks abroad. 鬱ゲー(Utsugee): A video game making you upset. It means now the situation making you upset. お祈りメール(Oinori meeru, Oinori mail): An email telling that you cannot get the job in a company. At end of it, it may say "We wish you gonna be lucky" -> お祈り. 大きいお友達(Ookii otomodachi): Guys who are so interested in the show, which is originally made for kids. オサレ(Osare): Looks good 大人の事情(Otona no jijou): Some reasoning very complicated. 神奈川都民(Kanagawa Tomin): People living in Kanagawa, but working in Tokyo. Someones like living in New Jersey, but working in Manhattan. ギャル語(Gyaru-go, Gal lang.): Language used among girls. It is very difficult to understand, and fulfilled with nonsense expression. KY: Kuuki ga Yomenai, or someone who does not understand a situation. 公衆便所(Koushuu benjo): Public Rest Room. It implies simply bitches. ご開帳(Gokaichou): Open. It implies to show one's pussy. 酷道(Kokudou): National roads in bad condition. 埼玉都民(Saitama tomin): People living in Saitama, but working in Tokyo. サセ子(Saseko): Bitch. It literally means "a girl who let every one fuck her". 滋賀府民(Shiga fumin): People living in Shiga, but working in Osaka. 純ジャパ(Jun japa): Pure Japanese. Somebody who's been only in Japan....

Love And Job! Otona No Jijou Space (2025)


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Name: Chrissy Homenick

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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.